-Under 16
-16 - 18
-18 +
The majority of people who answered the questionnaires had the average age of 16 - 18, as those are the age of people who attend the college or in the late stages of school.

2.Gender: male or female?
When collecting research we made sure that there was a mixture of both genders so we could establish fully what gender would prefer the specific genres of music. We asked 10 males and 10 females.

-college studying as/a levels
-full time job
Through researching the occupation of our target audience we found that more than half were at college studying A/AS levels at college.

4. What do you do in your spare time?
There where a range of different activities that we found when researching, although listening to music we found had the highest amount. This allows us to be able to ask further questions in more detail and help us towards the end result.

5. Favourite genre of music?
-Hip Hop
We found that POP was the favourite type of music genre amongst our target audience.

6. Do you think that the music video important to every song?
Almost all said that the music video was important for the song to be a success, as they felt it made the song stand out more.

7. What key features do u feel allows the video to stand out?
-Make up
The majority of our audience felt that all features were as important as each other as they all contribute to the overall factor of the music video ensuring it is visually pleasing.

8.How often do you listen to music?
-All the time
We found that after looking at all our results that they listen to music all the time and they listen to it a few hours everyday at least.

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